I married this man two years ago today, promising to serve Jesus alongside him for the rest of my life. It's been the best and hardest decision I've ever made.
Hardest? Why? Because life is hard. Walking through tough situations with another sinner is even harder. But God provides plenty of grace, and He knew it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18) through those hard times, so He provided my husband to lift me up when I fall and stumble(Ecclesiastes 4:10), and I pray that B could say the same about me.
Best decision? Because I get to enjoy God's grace with this guy. 1 Peter 3:7 says that we are heirs together in the grace of life. Being an heir means we are entitled, because of Jesus' work on our behalf, to enjoy God's grace together. This means we don't hold things against each other, keeping an unholy lists of failures, but we forgive and enjoy that grace together. If one of us is failing to allow the other to take part in the heavenly inheritence of grace, we're doing something wrong. I'm just so thankful for the grace that covers our marriage.
Well, there ya go! Two years and one kid later, I'm still in love with this man.
I love watching him be a dad.
I love watching him serve Jesus.
I love watching him cook me breakfast while singing obnoxiously (even if I don't always admit it). My life would be much too quiet without this guy around. :) Sigh. Yep, I love you, b.
Happy anniversary!